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      Why Teach?

      4 Reasons Teaching is the Most Important Career Path You Can Choose


      It might sound dramatic but the ideas you explore can literally shape the future! With children literally being the future of our society, the concepts they learn about and delve into at school can shape the way they think, and therefore the way that the world is formed. The influence a teacher can have on the next generation cannot be underestimated, making it one of the most important careers there is.


      The information you pass on to children allows them access to a better future. Whether they continue studying the subject you teach or not, helping them achieve to the best of their potential in the subject you teach can open doors for them and help them have access to the kind of life they aspire to when they grow up. Helping children achieve their goals and get to where they want to be is one of the most satisfying aspects of the teaching profession.


      However, it’s not always about the utilitarian approach that can sometimes seem to dominate perceptions of teaching these days. Education is obviously an important stepping stone to higher education and a career, but sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination! Memories made in the classroom can last a lifetime, and although it might be a cliché, your job as an amazing teacher is to make learning fun! It’s certainly possible, with a bit of imagination, to interpret the curriculum in an interesting and engaging way.

      Enriching pupils

      Helping students understand different concepts, way of life and cultures can enrich them as people, making them more tolerant, curious and knowledgeable members of society. As children grow up, it’s not always the facts and figures, quotes or calculations that children take with them as they go out into the working world. But it can often be an appreciation of education in general, those moments where their creativity was sparked or they heard something interesting that really captured their attention. Whether going on to work or higher education, the right teacher can help create open-minded pupils that are interested in the world around them and how it works, and that often never leaves a pupil.

      There are many reasons why teaching is a wonderful career path to take, and above are only a few of these. So if you’ve decided that teaching is the profession for you, here at Leeds SCITT we want to help you be the best possible teacher you can be. We’re a teacher training programme with a different approach and we want to help get you in the classroom teaching as soon as possible. Find out more about what makes Leeds SCITT unique here and start your journey towards becoming an amazing teacher today!

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