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      Bursary amount if awarded


      Scholarship amount if awarded


      School that runs this course

      Carr Manor Community School

      UCAS course code

      32WL - Spanish; 32WM - French

      Any questions or need help? Contact Us

      Leeds SCITT offers a French or Spanish PGCE course with a difference: we aim to get you into the classroom quickly to learn with a ‘hands-on’ approach and to become an experienced practitioner. The course offers a unique opportunity to develop your experience in dynamic and supportive school environments, whilst allowing you to establish your own style of teaching.

      The Leeds SCITT Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) course provides you with the opportunity to specialise in either French or Spanish at KS3 and KS4 level.

      I would highly recommend this course, staff were extremely helpful, motivating, positive and made the LSE very comfortable.

      — Sean, MFL Trainee 2022

      Great guidance from the lead tutor, especially when it came to tasks that we had to complete each week. The tutors are very knowledgeable and supportive and really motivate you to succeed.

      — Svetlana, MFL Trainee 2022

      Why join Leeds SCITT for the Modern Foreign Languages PGCE Programme

      Leeds SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) is an exciting and innovative teacher training provider that offers the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) for aspiring educators.

      Our Postgraduate Teacher Training Courses help to provide the highest quality of teaching and learning, ensuring that successful candidates have the teaching skills and knowledge necessary to become outstanding educators and secure a successful career in the teaching profession.

      PGCE students will be working with a dedicated team of subject specialists who will provide them with the training and support necessary to develop into excellent MFL teachers. In your Lead School Experience, you will be introduced to a range of practical, research-informed strategies to help you to understand how best to teach your subject.

      As you progress throughout the Modern Foreign Languages course, you will begin to implement these practical ideas and adapt them to fit your school context as well as to the needs of your learners, gradually taking more ownership and initiative on your placements.

      How will I become a confident French or Spanish teacher?

      Your training will involve input on how to plan, deliver and assess in the four key skill areas: speaking, reading, writing and listening. You will also look at effective ways to teach grammar, translation, dictation and phonics, which all form part of the new GCSE (first teaching year 2024). Language learning can be both exciting and challenging for secondary school learners, so we aim to equip you with a range of tools to help you to showcase and celebrate the target cultures of the language of study, both in and out of the classroom.

      Some of our schools offer trips abroad which will offer you a fantastic opportunity to gain experience in supporting an educational visit in a foreign country. The use of technology and Apps for vocabulary learning is also gathering momentum. During your placements you will gain experience of harnessing these developments by including them in your teaching, as a way of increasing student engagement and participation.

      From the MFL ITT School Lead Tutor

      Language skills are essential for students to access the wider world with new opportunities and cultural appreciation. We are looking for individuals with the skill set to challenge young people and give them the confidence to speak new languages as well as develop an interest in the target cultures being studied.

      We aim to help develop trainee teachers into confident and innovative educators, with a wide range of expertise, able to help pupils to progress and achieve. You will be welcomed into our friendly department who will be excited to share with you their experiences and advice.

      You will have the opportunity to observe lessons and see language teaching in action, developing practice and insight into how teaching is delivered. We are looking for individuals with enthusiasm, commitment and the ability to develop a growth mindset in their pupils.

      What does the Lead School Experience offer?

      Carr Manor Community School, the Lead School for MFL, has been awarded the intermediate level of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of helping young people to gain cultural understanding, through developing language proficiency and important transferable skills.

      Carr Manor Community School’s international work includes MFL-themed trips to restaurants, foreign language film cinema screenings, twinning projects and a celebration of the different cultures of the school. Teachers at Carr Manor Community School have been linking up with colleagues overseas to share successful classroom practice and resources to make this happen.

      In your teacher training, you will be supported through collaborative projects with partner schools abroad. This will give you an essential global dimension to your teaching, subject knowledge and opportunity to discover new methods to develop your pupils as global citizens of the future.

      Additional Secondary School Placements

      In addition to your Lead School placement, you can be placed within up to two of our additional partnership schools to give you contrasting teaching placements.

      What other opportunities are available in our Placement Schools?

      – MFL Lead Examiner day
      – Teach a second language
      – Sixth form experience
      – Specialist training in areas of SEND
      – Potential to be involved in a Sports trip to France

      Tuition Fees

      The course fees for Leeds SCITT PGCE course (including QTS and 60 masters credits) for the academic year 2023-24 is £9,250. Bursaries and Scholarships are available for some students

      Entry Requirements

      For this Postgraduate Certificate in Education Course you need to hold an undergraduate degree awarded by a higher education provider in England and Wales and GCSE grade C or 4 and above (or equivalent) in Maths and English. For further information go to

      International Students

      For further advice and information for overseas students and entry requirements for PGCE Courses please go to

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